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by Kamianets-Podilskyi

Area: 3200 m2

Capacity: 250 IDPs

Budget: USD 630,000

Renovation time: 7 months

Progress: 95%

Status: The renovation is complete. In April 2023, the residents moved in

It is a former student dormitory in Zinkivtsi village, by Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region. The building is situated in a picturesque location overlooking a historical fortress, within a 20-minute walking distance from the city center.

Since the dormitory had not been in use for 20 years, it required a significant amount of work, including the restoration of external and internal utilities (heating, electricity, water supply, and sewage), partial re-planning, repair of the roof, replacement of windows and doors, interior refurbishment, and furnishing of the premises with furniture and household appliances.

In addition to the residential rooms, the building has common-use spaces such as kitchens, laundries, and recreational areas.

There are ramps at the entrance to the building, and several blocks on the ground floor are adapted for people with disabilities.

The dormitory is state-owned on the balance sheet of the Podilskyi Center of Professional Technical Education and has an adjacent territory of 7 hectares. There is a sports ground nearby. There is also a nearby orchard, beehives, sheep farm, agricultural equipment, and the opportunity to allocate kitchen gardens to grow crops.

Financial support is provided by the German Federal Foreign Office in partnership with the humanitarian organization Sign of Hope. Part of the sanitary ware and furniture for the common spaces were donated by partners from Switzerland - the RE-WIN organization and one of the housing cooperatives in Zurich.

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ЄРДПОУ: 45628121


76014, м. Івано-Франківськ,

вул. Сахарова Академіка, будинок 23Ж, корпус 5



National State Register of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations: 45628121


76014, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Sakharova Akademika St, 23Zh, building 5


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