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Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region

Area: 2000+ sq m

Capacity: 49 apartments

Completion: 5%

Status: Research phase, procurement initiated, design in progress

This pilot project in Kalush aims to create 49 apartments for long-term living, and we will manage the property after residents move in. The unique aspect of this project is that we are developing and testing a model of affordable housing for vulnerable social groups, a concept that does not currently exist in Ukraine.

The building was previously used for administrative purposes. We plan to install a new heating system using heat pumps and renewable energy sources. This will increase energy efficiency and enhance the building’s electrical capacity.

Additionally, we will be repairing the roof, insulating and redesigning spaces, creating new entrances, and replacing windows. Our goal is to improve the accessibility of the space while adhering to inclusive design principles. Finally, we will furnish the apartments.

In this CO-HATY housing project, we will test a tenant selection model based on social mixing, to ensure the community around CO-HATY becomes self-sustaining. It is important to us that the communities where CO-HATY is located provide work opportunities and integrate internally displaced persons (IDPs) into the community. Therefore, we actively collaborate with local authorities at all stages of the project.

Our main partner in developing the affordable housing model is Habitat for Humanity. However, we are open to various forms of collaboration. If you would like to support the project financially, materially, or in another way, please reach out to us!

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ЄРДПОУ: 45628121


76014, м. Івано-Франківськ,

вул. Сахарова Академіка, будинок 23Ж, корпус 5



National State Register of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations: 45628121


76014, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Sakharova Akademika St, 23Zh, building 5


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