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Area: 1896 m2

Capacity: 140 IDPs

Budget: USD 250,000

Renovation time: 4.5 months

Progress: 100%

Status: The renovation is complete. In December 2022, the residents moved in

Partners and support\splaced persons in Ivano-Frankivsk were sheltered in schools and other educational facilities. To provide these people with housing, the city department of education allocated a former kindergarten building for replanning and refurbishing. The building is situated in the city center, near one of the largest parks and a drama theater.

To adjust this building for housing, the CO-HATY team did a replanning: we divided larger spaces such as the former library or event hall into several rooms, increased the number of bathrooms, and added kitchens/dining rooms. It allowed us to form a system of living blocks and provide more private space to the residents.

Also, we replaced the heating, plumbing, and sewerage systems, redid the electrical wiring, installed sanitary ware and tiled the bathrooms, and painted, furnished, and equipped all spaces with household appliances.

Most of the furniture was designed by the CO-HATY team considering residents’ requests and experience of compact residences. We made sets of beds, shelving units, and tables for each room. These pieces were made by the local producer, granting a sustainable solution and supporting the local economy.

The area around the building is green and quiet. We plan to make places for recreation, sports activities, and games there. Additionally, Caritas has an office in the building providing support and holding free activities for children.

The renovation of the building is complete. In December 2022, over 120 residents moved in.

Partners and support

  • The Department of Education and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council provided this building for renovation and gave us lots of support.
  • The major part of the funding came from the project “Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative” (UCBI III), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
  • The International Organization for Migration (IOM Ukraine) bought materials for the heating and electrical systems, doors, bathroom tiles, etc.
  • Household appliances and items were provided by the “Rokada” charitable foundation, the “Polish Aid” program, and the “People in Need” humanitarian organization.
  • New windows were installed in part of the building thanks to support from the “Peace of Mine” charitable organization.
  • Students of Ivano-Frankivsk Professional Construction Lyceum helped in the building process.
  • Also, we were supported by the Department of Social Policy and the Department of investment policy, projects, international relations, tourism, and city promotion of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council.
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ЄРДПОУ: 45628121


76014, м. Івано-Франківськ,

вул. Сахарова Академіка, будинок 23Ж, корпус 5



National State Register of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations: 45628121


76014, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Sakharova Akademika St, 23Zh, building 5


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